

6 October, 2024

Mount Isa Country Universities Centre officially open

The ribbon was cut on the Miles Street premises on October 2.

By Troy Rowling

Mount Isa mayor Peta MacRae cut the ribbon to officially open the CUC facility alongside deputy mayor Kim Coghlan, councillors John Tully and Travis Crowther, CUC chief executive officer Chris Ronan and Mount Isa manager Sean Bower, as well as CUC board members Chad King and Chris Pocock, and Glencore’s Nick Donker.
Mount Isa mayor Peta MacRae cut the ribbon to officially open the CUC facility alongside deputy mayor Kim Coghlan, councillors John Tully and Travis Crowther, CUC chief executive officer Chris Ronan and Mount Isa manager Sean Bower, as well as CUC board members Chad King and Chris Pocock, and Glencore’s Nick Donker.

More than 50 students have already signed up to Mount Isa’s Country Universities Centre on Miles Street just a few weeks after the facility opened its doors.

The students are pursuing a range of professions – from psychology and law to agricultural science and linguistics.

But no matter the degree, the students are all able to utilize the local study hub, and remain in Mount Isa, as they take the next steps in their career development.

Mount Isa mayor Peta MacRae told a small gathering at the official opening ceremony last week that retaining skilled professionals was the reason behind the decision to construct the CUC.

As she cut the ribbon to officially open the facility, Cr MacRae said while the CUC project was outside the traditional purview of local government, the council had committed to providing a facility that would assist to retain tertiary students, and the skills they would gain through their studies, in the city.

Cr MacRae said the project had struggled along for several years, as federal budget cuts and a range of construction options, including locating the CUC at the TAFE campus, were explored before funding and a location at the former ANZ building could be secured.

“There were times I thought we would never see this day,” she told the gathering.

“But I am extremely proud of what we have been able to achieve and deliver for the Mount Isa community.”

The Mount Isa CUC was also given a further tick of approval with the announcement just hours prior to the official opening that Glencore Mount Isa Mines would provide financial support as a foundation partner.

Glencore Health, Safety, Environment, and Community general manager Maryann Wipaki said the CUC would ensure students across the North West had improved opportunities to pursue higher education.

“We’re pleased to be a foundation partner, helping to create a dedicated learning space for local students, encouraging increased enrolment in tertiary education, higher completion rates and successful employment of graduates,” Ms Wipaki said.

Mount Isa mature age university student Keith Stalling is now a regular at the new facility as he completes a Bachelor in Information and Library Studies externally through Charles Sturt University.

Juggling family commitments, with three children aged between eight and 15, and a full-time job, Mr Stalling said the CUC facility provided a quiet place to focus.

“I have been coming here because it is somewhere that I know I won’t be interrupted,” he said.

The CUC contains private study rooms, computer rooms, printing facilities and a communal gathering space with video conference capabilities.

Local students enrolled in tertiary education are able to sign up at the building where they are given an access card and computer network log in details to allow access to the areas for their private or group study.


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